2109336162 Evridamantos 18, Neos Kosmos politispt@yahoo.gr
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Special physiotherapy for children
Physiotherapy for children Neos Kosmos Athens



Working towards the overall support for our students, our Center runs a Special Education Department. Our goal is to offer our students the appropriate learning support to enable their cognitive development.

In a properly constructed environment that facilitates the learning process and the establishment of a therapeutic relationship, the student is offered help to achieve the learning goals that have been set in cooperation with his whole therapeutic team and his family.

At the student's disposal are modern teaching aids, educational software and the suitable teaching tools that provide the necessary stimuli to lay the grounds for cognitive development. The curricula and the learning goals are evaluated in a constant basis so as to be always in direct touch with the students' needs. In every students personal portfolio one can find his personalized curriculum and its re-evaluations in order to enable the supervision of the learning goals at any time needed.

Our Special Education Department can provide proper support to children with motor and sensory disabilities, mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorders and related disorders, offering specialized support using teaching models such as TEACCH, alternative communication systems based on pictures like Makaton whereas it is also possible to administer specialized psychological tests (Athina-test, Alpha-test, Raven scales, Vineland scales) by certified personel.


With constant support, re-evaluation and caring , our students are offered the possibility to make the best use of their potential and to blossom in an safe and accepting environment.