2109336162 Evridamantos 18, Neos Kosmos politispt@yahoo.gr
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Special physiotherapy for children
Physiotherapy for children Neos Kosmos Athens



Speechtherapy targets to goals in assessing, diagnosing, and confronting voice, speech, language and communication disorders in children and adolecent whatever the cause is: neurological, developmental or functional.

Communication includes all functions related to perception/understanding and production/expression-phonology/grammar. Semantics, pragmatics- of oral and written speech, as far as the use of alternative-supportive methods of non-verbal communication (MAKATON, PECS).

Furthermore, side dysfunctions are being considered, such as visualmotor, attention, hearing, neuromuscular, sensory, and mouthfacial concerning muscletone, breathing and mechanical tractions - chewing, swallowing, drinking and drooling.

Each intervention and rehabilitation programme is individual according to one's clinical profile.